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Physics: Symmetry

My (a)symmetrical world - 
If we're talking life, I'm neatly bookended by birth and death: transition thresholds which are crossed to enter/exit our seen world. As I near these thresholds, I become less complex, less independent, and contain less mass. In that respect, life looks like a perfect palindrome. In between those transitions, there are little symmetries that I look for because it feels comforting: synchronicities; finding things in common with other people; seeing 11:11 on a digital clock; recognizing shadow/light issues in self, society and history; patterns in natural forms. And word games like palindromes: "do geese see god?" Finding these symmetries sort of feels like the Universe is giving me a friendly poke.

Just what does this CP violation really mean?
At this moment, I really wish I had heard the lecture last week, because it's all very confusing.

C refers to Charge Conjugation - all processes involving particles should carry on independently when particles are changing into antiparticles; and P for Parity Change says that symmetry is maintained during Parity Inversion, which is the switch from the flip in the sign of one coordinate (left to right, etc), functions should be unaffected during (Charge Conjugation)(Parity) transformation. T refers to Time inversion - whether time is running forwards or backwards. This variable is very difficult to study.

The violation means an exception was discovered.
The Kaon's pedigree is: subatomic particle ==> Meson ==> Kaon. When decaying, Kaon matter and antimatter forms break down in different arrangements. According to the CPT theorem, this shouldn't be, because these changes shouldn't affect the process of decay. Yet it does. The time variable would also be affected by these changes. Although it can't directly be studied, deduction tells us that for the CPT theorem to remain true, the whole system of Kaon decay would be behave differently whether time was running forward or backwards.

Conclusion options: 1.CPT theorem is incorrect; or 2.Kaons are just weird. Since it would be too complicated to reconfigure CPT theorem, scientists have decided that Kaons is sensitive to time direction.

Are there connections between Sacred Geometry and Physics?
Thanks to this handout, I can say, yes, absolutely!

Sacred Geometry is how we refer to a language used by the ancients describing the world and its functions. Science is another language to describe the world and its functions. Physics has developed to describe the finer, more inaccessible and difficult functions.


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