“ordered chaos” - does this sound familiar?
- in TCM, yin and yang balance each other. We have a lovely
black and white yin/yang symbol, with a spot of one deep within the other to
symbolize yang is always within yin, and yin is always within yang. This symbol
is a little misleading, because it looks like roughly 50% yin and 50% yang.
When yin is the substance, and yang is the warming, motivating force, we only need
enough yang to keep the yin from stagnation. I think of this when I hear
'ordered chaos'. There is a balancing proportion to all systems, but within the
systems, there can be all sorts of chaos – unpredictable, changeable. The order
comes with finding the tipping point. That proportion, that perfectly
predictable point of overwhelm when one system tips into the other, is evidence
of a well-functioning system.
Fractals as patterns of complex systems
- I am still pretty confused about fractals, which seems like
a common problem. Can people be fractals, or are fractals a manifestation of a
very specific phenomena? Is it a metaphor? Does it just mean the snapshot of a
ridiculously large amount of data from a defined system? Its very pretty,
anyway, and It's funny that chaos can have such a pleasing pattern.
consciousness out of chaos?
- This idea is gorgeous: “every point in the space-time grid is
conscious, and the human brain is a neural structure permeated by these
units...consicousness is an active force that we can exercise in the universe
and not a simple passive perception of that same universe.”
Everyone observes, everyone affects the universe. By our
thoughts, our actions, our intent, we create the world inside ourselves. This,
in turn shapes our environment. We have enormous responsibility for our own
inward and outward intent, especially as healers.
I don't understand why chaos is believed to come first, and consciousness out of it. But, I like your conclusion that healers must use the relationship between consciousness and chaos to benefit our patients.