Dictionary.com has 'loafing' as
1. to idle away time:
2. to lounge or saunter lazily and idly
This is so easy in theory! In the middle of a class, I'll be dreaming about sleeping in until noon, eating ice cream for breakfast, and staying up late reading trashy novels. In practice, my teenage dreams are mostly beyond the capabilities of my 30-something body. My eyes open at 6am, whether I want it or not; ice cream is now known as 'the triple yin death', and 10pm is really way too late for me anymore.
So I took this assignment to mean do something relaxing that I wouldn't normally do. I planned out a perfect 2-daygetaway for the semester break. This took lots of time to dream about, play with maps and restaurant and beach reviews, all of which was very satisfying. For this, I have realistic goals - I'll be up and to bed early but in between, no one will be able to ask anything of me, and nothing work or school like will be scheduled. I'll have time to sit with the trees and wind and water and do nothing but be. This planning and fantasizing about the trip is every bit as good as the trip will be, and probably better. So I got to pre-loaf for my midterm holiday, and enjoyed the experience very much.
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