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Showing posts from May, 2018

Physics Week 2 - Uncertainty

Week 2 and we covered Quantum Mechanics in 2 hours - some of fun highlights, anyway. As we were talking about the Bohr-Einstein debate, I imagined it like this: Einstein: Nothing can move faster than the speed of light Bohr: Entaglement *mic drop* I'm giving the Tao of Physics a try while taking this class, and it's really driving home the fact that Taoists and physicists have come to nearly identical conclusions concerning the workings of the world, when you allow for differences in lingo. Uncertainty is such a foundational concept in both. Also: humor. There is such joy in Taoism and such excitement in physics, which isn't what I would expect in these seeker subsets of people getting very comfortable with uncertainty. Because it's not a resigned, fatalistic humor: it's the joy of existing (or not existing). Maybe it's the acknowledgement that there are bigger plans in action that we humans might someday be lucky enough to catch a glimpse o

Physics Week 1: Time

How about: 'Can we make time behave differently?' There's this idea of liminal time - time between worlds, literally 'a threshold', we sometimes call it 'being in the zone' because we're sort of existing in our own space/time. I picture it as a space outside the linear idea of time as we understand it. Maybe it loops, maybe it spirals or moves in right angles. This linear idea of time is our own creation and only harnesses a single aspect of it. When we exist in liminal time, we get to see a bit more of its nature. This threshold time can be a period of transition, say between ages 20 and 21, when the year seems decades long. It might a feeling of deja vu, where time seems compressed and rushing at the same time. Maybe it's when I study Sheng Di Huang, which has been studied for thousands of years and I wonder at the thoughts my ancestors had when they used the ancestors of this plant in my hand. According to psychology today(1), experiencing lim


Please join for our school community group!  I'm a 35 year old Northern California suburban native, oldest of 3 girls and the proud black sheep. Currently: Massage therapist, esthetician, late bloomer, Chinese Medicine geek. Formerly: fabric store assistant, rock climber, insurance salesperson, addict. Likes: reading and watching scifi, fantasy and mysteries if they have decent female characters; baking healthy-ish things; making magic; eating; comedy shows; other people's dogs/kids; crocheting; hip hop dance; street fairs; typos on menus Dislikes: drugs/alcohol because life can be overwhelming enough all by itself; inappropriate apostrophes, rudeness 'Magic' is shorthand for 'we don't know why this happens' "I don't do drugs, I am drugs" - Salvador Dali Better at making lists than bios. I came into Chinese Medicine after I saw the work of acupuncturists through our mutual clie